Summer 2014-Part 2
Weather this summer has not exactly been rich with a lot of sun, which resulted in a lot of fresh mornings with lots of fog and mist…
Weather this summer has not exactly been rich with a lot of sun, which resulted in a lot of fresh mornings with lots of fog and mist…
This summer is coming to an end and here is the first part of my impresions.
Here is the second part of this year's Spring Package. Slovenian Pohorje Hills: direction from Planica -> Pohorje Fram: from Šmartno -> Polskava Area Jarenina and Pernice Pekrska gorca
Autumn is the most colorful time of the year. This autumn didn't disappoint with its variety and colors. The first series of photos was taken on Pohorje, between Slovenska Bistrica and Šmartno and through Areh. I named Read on ....
Another early morning stroll in the Slovenian hills, this time in the direction of Jurovski dol And the end itself Jurovski down at sunrise