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Year 2017
Here are some of my this year's most beautiful photos. Happy new year to all. :)
Here are some of my this year's most beautiful photos. Happy new year to all. :)
A number of times I see articles, which places or cities you should visit in Slovenia. Almost never they mention place or town from the eastern part of the country. So here's my list of the ten small places and towns, which Read on ....
Here is a selection of my most beautiful photos taken this year, enjoy 2015. I wish you a happy new year 2016!
Weather this summer has not exactly been rich with a lot of sun, which resulted in a lot of fresh mornings with lots of fog and mist…
The second part I begin with a sister lake with the sun east and west pencil and Dragučova surroundings second part ends with a view of my home town of Ruse, Read on ....